Welwyn United celebrated the launch of their inaugural season with a celebratory event.

Players and parents from across the club’s age groups came together at Hatfield Hyde Cricket Club to officially commemorate the first season for the new female-only football club.

The event also provided an opportunity for players to have team photos taken in their new kit.

The club was set up over the summer to provide a fun, safe sporting environment for players aged five years through to adults.

With a team of dedicated coaches and volunteers, the club is keen to encourage those looking to develop skills, get fit and enjoy the game to join them as they continue to grow.

Co-founder Karen Merry said: “It was wonderful to see all our girls, ladies and their families come together at the event, which had a lovely feel of both team and community spirit.

"We’d like to thank all those who came along to support the evening, and want to say a massive thank you to Jo at Hatfield Hyde Cricket Club.”

To find out more about the club or to register your interest in either playing or sponsorship, email contactuswelwynunited@gmail.com