When it comes to milestones, 500 parkruns is one of the more jaw dropping - which is why Garden City Runners and Andy Holt celebrated it so much.

The club turned out in force at Jersey Farm in St Albans to mark the achievement.

Andy Holt of Garden City Runners. Picture: GCRAndy Holt of Garden City Runners. Picture: GCR (Image: Garden City Runners)

Holt ran his first parkrun way back in 2012 at Havant before making number two closer to home at St Albans a couple of weeks later.

He ran that in 17 minutes 50 seconds while this one clocked in at 21:16.

First home for GCR was Daniel Pudner in 20:50 followed a second later by Bruce Judge and then Rob Casserley in 21:02.

Holt's time placed him first in the VM60 category.

A spokesman said: "After the run there was beer to celebrate, and Andy was presented with an amazing cake, featuring a picture of him running.

"I think it made Andy almost speechless. A rare occasion."

Elsewhere, the Herts Hobble was tackled by a number of GCRs.

The event is a trail run heading out from Baldock in which participants could choose between a 26.2-mile marathon course or an 18-mile course.

For Nikki Cowen it was a first self-navigation XC marathon, aided by Roger Adey.

Belinda McGinley and Andrew Ackrill also ran the full marathon distance together, finishing in a time of 5:07.

Tendy St. Francis, Charlotte Jones and Willow Gibson, completed the 18-mile option, again stating that the heat had been the toughest part of the race.

Kath Evans was also involved.

The Midsummer Murder 10 Mile Trail Race was ran by Ann Hayden, Gail Munro, Sharon Stephens and Alison Meaden.

It started in the village of Hambleden, Buckinghamshire, the backdrop for many film and television locations like The Avengers, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Midsummer Murders.

A half marathon option was also available but with a strict cut-off time and some serious hills, they opted for the 10-mile option.

The finish time for all four GCRs was 2:34.