Normally associated with celebrities, there was a wardrobe malfunction of sorts during Welwyn Garden City Sailing Club's latest round of races - as course markers didn't stay where they were meant to be.

The first of the two scheduled races had to be rule invalid as some of the marks of the course drifted during the contest, one of them going missing entirely.

The problems had been solved by the start of race two, a pursuit which saw a battle between the fastest boats that had started last.

These Supernovas worked through the slower members of the fleet but struggled to catch and pass one of the slower boats.

Welwyn Hatfield Times: Tony Hale on the run at Stanborough Lakes. Picture: VAL NEWTONTony Hale on the run at Stanborough Lakes. Picture: VAL NEWTON (Image: Val Newton)

And it looked as if Tony Hale in his Leader would hold everyone off in a stunning upset win, until the final moments when Alan Campbell in one of those Supernovas swept past him to claim the overall victory.

David Lambert was third and Patrick Rohart was fourth.

The racing also saw another battle between sailors in double-handed crafts.

Hale did his single handed but behind him came Alexander Burr and father Kevin with Ruth Burr and Mik Wolanski coming third in this category.