Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council has received £243,000 in Government funding for the redevelopment of Howlands House.

The Welwyn Garden City site provides temporary accommodation for the homeless, with the more than 40-year-old building in poor condition and failing to meet modern standards.

Howlands House is due to be redeveloped as part of WHBC’s Affordable Housing Programme, with the new funding bringing forward the project’s delivery date.

The proposed new scheme will provide a modern, welcoming, temporary accommodation properties for families and individual households, a staff office, children’s play area, parking and associated landscaping.

"Supporting and preventing homelessness and the provision of affordable homes are priorities for the council," said councillor Gemma Moore, executive member for housing.

"I am delighted that we have be awarded this Government funding which will enable the redevelopment of the Howlands House site to begin.

"This will mean that Howlands House will be able to continue to provide security and respite for individuals and families at their time of need."

Welwyn Hatfield MP Andrew Lewin.Welwyn Hatfield MP Andrew Lewin. (Image: Andrew Lewin)

Welwyn Hatfield's Labour MP, Andrew Lewin, is pleased to see the scheme get a much-needed boost, saying: "I am delighted that our Labour Government has committed new funding for social housing in Welwyn Garden City so early in our time in office.

"As I said in my maiden speech in the House of Commons, Welwyn Hatfield has too many projects on hold and campaigning to increase the delivery of more social and affordable housing will be a priority for me as our MP, as it is for my Labour colleagues on the borough council.

"This cash injection will help to speed progress on the new scheme at Howland House, which will deliver much needed accommodation to local families in the greatest need.

"We promised to get this country building again to deliver 1.5 million homes over this parliament and help tackle the housing crisis we have inherited.

"Our brownfield-first approach will not only ramp up housebuilding but also create more jobs, deliver much-needed infrastructure, and boost economic growth across the country."

Councillor Max Holloway, leader of Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council, added: "It's great to receive this funding from the Government which will help us bring forward the delivery of a key project in our Affordable Housing programme - and importantly provide for better temporary accommodation for local people in their time of need.

"Howlands House is an important development, keeping local families together at times of huge distress and uncertainty. It's currently in a really poor state and I'm really excited that, thanks to this funding, we can kick start it's much needed redevelopment."