A Parkinson's sufferer is keen to track down and thank a kind member of staff from the Simmons store in Welwyn Garden City, after she paid for his food when his card declined.

66-year-old Nick Morris was queuing on his own to buy two currant buns for him and his wife, but was unable to pay due to his bank card being encoded incorrectly.

Having left the Howardsgate store without the buns, a member of staff at Simmons paid for them out of her own money, much to Nick's surprise.

"My wife had dropped me off to find a parking space, and I was on my own which sounds dramatic, but I've got Parkinson's so being on my own can be a challenge," he told the Welwyn Hatfield Times.

"I got in the queue and then to get a table, and when I got to pay there was an error with my card. I could tell things were getting a little tense in the queue, so I said thank you, left the buns and went outside.

"Suddenly, a girl who works in Simmons came out with the buns in a takeaway bag and said 'have them for free and I'll buy them'.

"I just thought it was such a sweet thing to do. I didn't catch her name so I just wanted to say a proper thank you."

Nick is keen to track down this anonymous staff member to say a proper thank you for the special act of kindness.

"It was a busy and it couldn't have been easy for her to do what she did for me," he added.

"She's had that money taken out of her wages too which was just such a kind and amazing thing to do.

"The world can be such a horrible place sometimes but this was something really special, so I felt I needed to say a proper thank you."