A planning application has been submitted for a housing development in Newgate Street.

The proposal, submitted by Islandbridge Properties, would see five new three-bedroom homes built at 15 New Park Road.

An existing home and outbuildings would be demolished to make way for the new homes.

"The scheme will deliver five new residential dwellings with associated gardens and car parking, that collectively comprise to form a high-quality, well considered residential development," the application reads.

"The proposals reflect the highest standards of architectural design, significantly enhancing its immediate setting, and is in keeping with the defining characteristics of the local area.

The homes will contain three bedrooms.The homes will contain three bedrooms. (Image: Islandbridge Properties)

"Through extensive native species planting and a provision of extensive new habitats and ecosystems, the proposal significantly increases biodiversity across the site whilst preserving the Green Belt.

"A key consideration for the proposal is the impact on its countryside setting and the overall Green Belt.

"The proposal seeks to greatly improve the openness of the site, providing an uninterrupted view through the length of the site to the countryside beyond."

The consultation period is open until October 15. To view the plans, visit planning.welhat.gov.uk/Search/Basic, and search 6/2024/1618/FULL.

The proposed layout of the development.The proposed layout of the development. (Image: Islandbridge Properties)