A planning application to build a new house on a residential street in Welwyn Garden City have been refused.

The plans, submitted by Jim Robinson, would have seen a new home built at the rear of the current property at 83 Great Ganett.

A number of nearby residents submitted objections to the plans, and now Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council have turned down the application, as it "failed to respect" the layout of the street.

"The positioning of the proposed dwelling and layout of development within the plot would fail to respect and relate to the layouts and patterns of existing dwellings and spaces in Great Ganett and Holwell Hyde," a decision notices reads.

"It would also be to the detriment of the existing occupiers of 83 Great Ganett and other nearby dwellings as it would diminish the size of the host plot and create overlooking.

"The proposed development would not therefore be compatible with the character of this part of the settlement or complement the local distinctiveness of the area.

"If you want to appeal against your local planning authority's decision on your application, then you must do so within 28 days of the date of this notice."