Hatfield's Onslow St Audrey's School are celebrating plenty of success on A-level results day 2024.

Among the school's success stories was Thomas Tual, who achieved three As and an A* and will be reading mathematics at the University of Bristol.

Iustina Muha achieved two As and an A* and is taking up a degree apprenticeship with Wates Construction Group in quantity surveying.

Ella Hope achieved three As and will be reading art and design and the University of Leeds.

Sidney Martin achieved an A and two distinction* grades and will be reading accounting at the University of Loughborough.

The school was delighted with their A-level results.The school was delighted with their A-level results. (Image: Onslow St Audrey School)

Naomi Latinwo achieved an A and two Bs and will be reading pharmacy at the University of East Anglia.

"Yet again, I am delighted by the success our Year 13 students and staff at Onslow St Audrey's School have seen today," said headteacher Julie Jones. 

"This is most notable in the opportunities that the students' achievements have given them. Without exception, all our students have been able to access their firm or insurance UCAS course choices.

"I am delighted to announce that we are a partnership school with the University of Hertfordshire and were pleased to welcome representatives of the university and local press and radio to our results event this morning.

"A fifth of our students are moving on to study at the University of Hertfordshire on courses ranging from automotive engineering to music so it is great to cement this relationship for the future."

There was plenty of smiles at Onslow St Audrey's School.There was plenty of smiles at Onslow St Audrey's School. (Image: Onslow St Audrey School)