Hello, this is Jade

When I was rescued as a stray, I was with my first (and only) litter of kittens. We were living outside - all of us thin, dirty and scared.

I did my best for my babies, but being a very young cat - less than a year old, with no experience of motherhood - it was very difficult and exhausting.

There were constant threats from cars, humans and the fear of starvation.

Having been a stray all my life, I was not used to interacting with people, nor of course were my kittens, so understandably we were very frightened when we were rescued and brought into the care of Southridge.

From the moment we arrived, however, we have been kept warm, well-fed and loved - a new experience for me and my babies.

Moonbeam, one of my male kittens and I, are very close, so we are looking for a home together.

While we are very grateful to the kind people here, we remain very nervous young cats because of our past experiences.

That doesn't mean we don't have fun though, we are inquisitive and playful and are responding well to positive interactions with staff and volunteers, who entice us with toys and treats.

We haven't had the best start in life. What we long for now is a home of our own, one which is calm, with kind, patient adults (no children or dogs) who can provide us with a safe space where initially we can hide and sit up high.

We are young and behind our nervousness, we are full of fun and need the enrichment of toys and games to encourage us to feel safe to play and exhibit our natural behaviours.

We might enjoy the company of another cat, as long as it is gentle and accepting of us.

Our dream once settled in our forever home, apart from feeling loved and safe, is a nice cat flap we can pop in and out through, to bask in the sun and explore the outside world safely. How wonderful that would be. Can you be our dream-maker?

To get in touch with RSPCA Southridge email southridge@rspca.org.uk or call 0300 123 0704. Visiting the centre is by pre-arranged, scheduled appointment only. The centre is located in Packhorse Lane, Potters Bar, EN6 3LZ.