While my previous life was far from perfect, the details of this are unknown to Southridge.

However, the fact that, along with my friend Ava, I was abandoned near to Southridge RSPCA indicates it was not an easy past.

That was such a scary and dangerous time for us, and we were both bewildered and confused when we rescued and brought to the shelter.

Who could do this to us? We had done nothing wrong, yet we were just thrown out, as though all we were was rubbish.

My friend Ava has recently gone to a new home and while I am very happy for her, it has also left me feeling sad and dejected, wondering when it will be my turn.

I have been here over a year now and cannot understand why I have been overlooked.

(Image: RSPCA Southridge)

Perhaps my disability is a concern to some potential adopters. I am missing the lower part of my left front leg.

How this happened is a mystery to everyone - but I get on really well on three pins and you honestly wouldn't notice that anything is amiss when I am charging around chasing a ball or just running for the sheer joy of it.

While I walk very well on lead and have excellent manners, it can get a little tiring after a while as I have to hop with my front leg, and I prefer to stand or lie down than to sit. Kennel life is difficult at the best of times, but with a disability too, it is even tougher.

I am a husky cross and with my startling blue eyes and sandy coloured coat I am considered a beauty. In addition I have a very friendly, affectionate nature, love a cuddle and am smart, eager to learn and listen well. No wonder I am a Southridge favourite.

Being still young - at around two years old - I have lots of energy, am full of fun and can get quite bouncy when excited!

I will definitely need a fenced garden to play and sunbathe in (a favourite pastime of mine) and would prefer to live either with adults or a family with children over 15 years old.

I want to be the only female dog in the home, but wouldn't mind co-habiting with a friendly male canine. Cats and other small animals - definitely not!

My life has been full of difficulties, fear and uncertainty. Despite love and care kennel life is stressful, and I am finding it hard to cope very well after so much time here.

So please, what is not to like or even love about me? Please, get in touch with Southridge, ask them about Narla, and come and meet me right now.

I know I will make a wonderful companion to you if I am given the chance.

To get in touch with RSPCA Southridge email southridge@rspca.org.uk or call 0300 123 0704. Visiting the centre is by pre-arranged, scheduled appointment only. The centre is located in Packhorse Lane, Potters Bar, EN6 3LZ