The High Sheriff of Hertfordshire has recognised a fitness instructor for his outstanding contribution to the Parkinson's community.

John Molyneux, based in St Albans, was awarded an 'Outstanding Service to Health and Wellbeing' award by Annie Brewster JP who described him as a "remarkable success story" in her 'Sport for Good' initiative.

The High Sheriff of Hertfordshire said: "I was so impressed to hear what John has done in his community group.

"The difference he’s making to the Parkinson’s community and the praise from participants in his courses is huge."

Mr Molyneux, who started Molyfit consultancy and offers free classes, said: "I’ve been running free classes for some time because I wanted to break down barriers and show what can be achieved if you allow people to believe in themselves."

A participant of the classes, 70-year-old Philippa Webb, credits Mr Molyneux for helping her to lift 45kg weights.