Welwyn Garden City has been entered into a number of categories for this year's Anglia in Bloom awards.

Judges from the prestigious awards toured the town centre on July 15, visiting locations including the Anniversary Garden, Centenary Woodland Garden and Parkway.

Welwyn Garden City BID is up for the Best Business Improvement District, while the All Aboarders are in contention for the Best Community Project for their floral work at the train station. 

Anniversary Garden was judged for Best Sustainable Planting, while Howardsgate and Parkway are up for both the Best Local Authority Floral Display and the Best Public Open Space.

Oak Hill Lawn Cemetery and Crematorium in Hatfield has also been entered for the Cemeteries, Crematoriums and Burial Grounds category.

The judges will evaluate the entries based on criteria such as plant choice, maintenance, environmental responsibility and community participation.

"This year, we have continued to make improvements to the open spaces in our borough and town centres, focusing on sustainability in our environment," said Cllr Sandreni Bonfante, executive member for environment.

"By showcasing our horticultural achievements and our working partnerships with the Welwyn Garden City BID team, in particular the work within the town centre, we are once again highlighting the efforts of our fantastic volunteers and community groups.

"After last year’s success, I have high hopes for this year’s awards."