Hello folks,

I am Milo, a charming little white and tan, neutered Jack Russell Terrier, cute as a button and full of character.

I may be mature - nine years old - but am full of fun, energy and play is my middle name!

I haven't had it easy in my life, which has had serious ups and downs, and Southridge is the second rescue centre I find myself in.

While everyone here is great, kind, thoughtful and do their best to make my life as good as they can, in reality I am not finding shelter life easy.

Despite toys, treats and a comfy bed, I feel sad, frustrated and lonely in my kennel, wondering when my life will change for the better.

(Image: RSPCA Southridge)

Being a Jack Russell I have an inquisitive nature, and love to be a part of all the goings-on in a family, but as I can get worried at times a quieter household would suit me best.

My perfect family would be around most of the time as I do love and need adult company, but I definitely don't want to live with children and wouldn't appreciate them visiting either.

I adore my walks and love the fresh air and the scents and sounds of the countryside, but when I see other dogs I can get quite anxious, and bark at them if they get too close.

Therefore I would like to be the only dog, in fact the only animal, in my home, with a nice secure garden I can potter around in and catch up on my tan on sunny days (if there are any!).

While I know the basics - 'sit' and so on - I will need patient, experienced dog people who will give me time and assistance in settling in, such as meeting visitors to the home and coping with loud noises.

Southridge behaviour team will be on hand to help with any issues I may have, but mostly I just want to show you what a magical little doggy companion I am, sweet, affectionate and just longing to curl up next to my special person.

So please, please can you make room in your heart and home for a charming boy, who has had a tough life and is desperate for love.

To get in touch with RSPCA Southridge email southridge@rspca.org.uk or call 0300 123 0704. Visiting the centre is by pre-arranged, scheduled appointment only. The centre is located in Packhorse Lane, Potters Bar, EN6 3LZ.