Conservative party candidate Grant Shapps has vowed to replace the "mad cap" cycling lane on Welwyn Garden City's Hunters Bridge.

Mr Shapps is standing for re-election in Welwyn Hatfield at tomorrow's General Election, and has launched a petition to get rid of the much-maligned lane.

Since its installation, the cycling lane has been the subject of widespread criticism for causing congestion in Welwyn Garden City and making access difficult for emergency vehicles.

"I’ve yet to come across a single person who thinks it’s a good idea," Mr Shapps said.

"It’s one of the most baffling pieces of road engineering I’ve ever seen, and I think it should be replaced.

"If I am re-elected as Welwyn Hatfield’s MP in the General Election, I’ll put my full weight behind getting Herts County Council to replace the cycle lane with something more sensible."

Mr Shapps has faced questions about why he wants to replace the cycling lane, despite him providing funding to Hertfordshire County Council for its installation during his time as transport secretary.

He defended himself by saying he had no part to play in the design of the lane, even going as far as describing it as "mad cap".

"As the UK’s transport secretary during COVID-19, I provided funding to county councils across the country for better walking and cycling initiatives," he said.

"But at no time did we instruct councils to construct pointless pieces of road design which benefitted no one.

"This truly perplexing piece of road design goes nowhere and adds nothing for the cyclist, whilst making life a misery for the motorist. It needs to go.

"Had it been down to me, I would never have approved this mad cap idea.

"I’m not opposed to cycling - I cycle myself - but everyone locally agrees this wide cycle lane does more harm than good. It’s got to go."

Mr Shapps will be running against Labour candidate Andrew Lewin, Liberal Democrat John Munro, Sarah Butcher from the Green Party and Jack Aaron of Reform UK.