Higher education is changing with a new pathway for learners and employers.

The introduction of Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs) within the UK's educational system is breaking down barriers for those seeking to propel their careers or learn new skills.

Not restricted to school-leavers, these qualifications offer a practical, flexible approach to higher education, aiming to address the skills gap in today's job market.

HTQs are employer-approved qualifications at Levels 4 and 5, focusing on technical expertise and practical skills across numerous industries.

Constructed in association with employers and industry experts, they ensure the content is in line with what's required in the job market.

Read on to discover the nature of HTQs, their advantages, how they can benefit you or your business, and how Oaklands College can assist you in this journey.

Higher Technical Qualifications are available for a number of industries   (Image: Supplied)

They provide an alternative to apprenticeships or degrees and support both new and employed learners with flexible, part-time, local options.

These qualifications enable employers to mould their workforce, bridging skill gaps they may be facing.

They ensure learners achieve hands-on learning and practical experience.

Students can pursue these qualifications on a full-time or part-time basis, providing flexibility for mature students or those juggling other responsibilities.

HTQs are comparable to HNDs, HNCs, and Foundation Degrees.

Oaklands College is aligning with specific industries including computing & IT, engineering, construction, healthcare, and sport.

This list will expand to cover more subjects, influenced directly by local employers, bolstering the animal care, marketing, business, education, and financial sectors.

HTQs are employer-approved qualifications at Levels 4 and 5  (Image: Supplied)

HTQs are often more cost-effective than traditional university degrees due to their shorter duration and availability at local further education colleges.

This cost-effectiveness extends to employers, potentially reducing recruitment and training costs.

Oaklands College, stepping up to the challenge, has introduced immersive learning environments and comprehensive facilities such as the Oaklands Health Suite for Healthcare and Nursing education.

These modern spaces are tailored to meet the needs of various industries, ensuring Oaklands’s students are adequately prepared for the demands of the current workforce.