A planning application to build new flats in Welwyn Garden City's Howardsgate has been refused.

The plans, submitted by Viewbridge Properties Ltd back in March, proposed the "erection of an additional storey to accommodate three residential units" at 31A Howardsgate.

Following a number of objections from residents, Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council were quick to turn down the application.

"The proposal would fail to protect or enhance the character and appearance of the Welwyn Garden City conservation area and would harm the character and appearance of the host property, which is a non-designated heritage asset," the decision notice read.

"The proposal undermines the original design, form and proportions of the building and detracts from its architectural interest and the positive contribution it makes to the conservation area. This harm is judged not to be outweighed by any substantial public benefits."

Concerns were also raised about noise levels, with the decision noticing continuing: "Insufficient information has been submitted to enable Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council to fully assess the impacts of noise upon the amenity of future occupants of the units that would be created as a result of the proposal."

Applicants Viewbridge Properties Ltd could still appeal the decision, and have until July 11 to do so.