The Mayor of Hertsmere has shown support for the armed forces community, as part of a special event to commemorate Armed Forces Day.

Mayor Councillor Richard Butler led a small flag-raising ceremony outside Hertsmere Borough Council’s Civic Offices today (June 24), ahead of Armed Forces Day on Saturday, June 19.

He was joined by Deputy Mayor, Cllr Parveen Rani, Revd Louise R Collins, bugler Adrian Temple, Royal British Legion Representatives Brian Dee and Dave Jarvis, Mayoral representatives of Elstree and Borehamwood and other Hertsmere borough councillors and staff for the occasion.

Hertsmere Borough Council is a board members of the Hertfordshire Armed Forces Covenant, which is committed to show support for those in the Armed Forces community.

Mayor Cllr Butler, said: “We raise the Armed Forces flag to pay tribute to our serving troops, service families, veterans and cadets.

“The day provides an opportunity to recognise their sacrifice, dedication and commitment and show our appreciation for the valuable service they provide to civilians in keeping us safe.

“We will be flying the Armed Forces flag outside our offices all week to show our thanks and appreciation for the Armed Forces Community.”