A planning appeal has been submitted to make a number of major changes to a Codicote home in the green belt.

The proposed plans would see an erection of an of annex at Garden Cottage in Danesbury Park Road, following the demolition of an annex, the partial demolition of a stable block, removal of shipping containers and reduction of a hard standing area.

The application was rejected by Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council back in March, who cited the development as "inappropriate for the green belt".

"The proposed development, which is located on land designated as metropolitan green belt, would constitute inappropriate development, causing moderate harm to the openness and purposes of including land in the green belt, which is by definition harmful to the green belt," the decision notice reads.

"No very special circumstances exist which outweigh the harm to the green belt by reason of inappropriateness, and the other harm identified."

This is not the first time the application has been appealed, with the initial plans, which were submitted back in 2021, also turned down even following an appeal.

Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council once again cited "inappropriate and damaging development to the green belt" in there reasoning.