December is often a month for snuggling up and spending more time inside — sometimes disconnecting us a little from the outside world and our local green spaces.

However, December and the Christmas period has a number of associations with wildlife and nature.

So why are some plants and animals more associated with this time of year?

There are a few different reasons; some species migrate to the UK or are more obvious during the winter, some might be eaten during festive celebrations, others may have religious, historical or mythological significance, and others we’re not quite sure of but they are welcome to be involved anyway!

In the traditional song ‘Twelve Days of Christmas’ there are many animals featured. ‘Four calling birds’ was originally ‘colly birds’ which was an English name for blackbirds.

Welwyn Hatfield Times: A blackbird in the snow.A blackbird in the snow. (Image: Tim Hill)

This makes more sense seeing as many of our native birds aren’t calling at this time of year, whereas blackbirds are much in evidence with a boosted population of overwintering individuals migrating in from Scandinavia.

The ‘six Geese a laying’ has probably come about from the influx of geese over winter — many species come to the UK from colder climes to enjoy our milder winter temperatures.

Goose was a popular Christmas dinner centre piece in the 19th century as referenced in literature such as Charles Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’.

‘Chestnuts roasting on an open fire’ is a well-known line from Nat King Cole’s Christmas Song, and chestnuts are often sold in the shops at this time of year.

The Sweet Chestnut tree is thought to possibly be introduced to the UK by the Romans who enjoyed eating it. The ‘nut’ technically is a fruit encased by green spiky shells.

Most of the chestnuts sold for consumption come from outside the UK as the climate here isn’t quite warm enough for them to ripen properly.

Welwyn Hatfield Times: Mistletoe in Panshanger Park.Mistletoe in Panshanger Park. (Image: Jo Whitaker)

Mistletoe is a plant that has significance all the way back to Druid times where it was thought to be hung to ward off evil spirits.

It is hemiparasitic, it draws nutrients from its host plant but can also photosynthesise by itself if required. We can see it much more readily in winter as its host trees lose their leaves over winter.

Hopefully these little festive titbits have tempted to you head out and see if you can spot any of the species mentioned above, rather than just sing about them!

At this time of year, Panshanger Park is host to all of the species mentioned here and more besides.

Have a wander and see what you can see.

Panshanger Park is 1,000 acres of countryside situated between Welwyn Garden City and Hertford. 

Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust is working with the park's owners, Tarmac, to manage the park for both people and wildlife.

Jo Whitaker is the Panshanger Park People and Wildlife Officer.

She works for Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust and her role is funded by Tarmac.