Triumphant members of Potters Bar & District Photographic Society have retained an inter-club photo battle trophy. 

The Jubilee Cup is hosted by Barnet and Finchley Photographic Society and is a competition between four local camera clubs.

It is rare in that it includes both printed and projected images. 

Potters Bar won both the print and projected elements and so retained the trophy they also claimed in 2022. 

The Society entered the stipulated six prints and six projected images.

The Society’s President, Graham Coldrick, said: “The Jubilee Cup is unusual in that it forces us to enter a range of subjects, where many competitions have a specific theme. 

"We had landscape, travel, portrait and other pictures in the mix submitted by seven of our members.”

The Society’s pictures received a range of marks, with two achieving the highest score of 20 points. 

One of the pictures was Bob Scarlett’s print “Venice Impressions”. 

Welwyn Hatfield Times: Venice Impressions - Bob Scarlett’s 20 point winning picture.Venice Impressions - Bob Scarlett’s 20 point winning picture. (Image: Bob Scarlett)

Bob said: “This view has been photographed many times before and I wanted to produce something different. 

"The photograph was taken at about 6 o’clock in the morning from the Piazzetta San Marco looking across to island of San Giorgio Maggiore. 

"The effect was achieved by moving the camera vertically during a long exposure producing a blurred image.




"This removed all the detail but left what is still a recognisable scene. It was necessary to take several images before the desired effect was achieved. 

"Luckily there was a gap in the line of gondolas giving a clear view through to the bell tower of San Giorgio Maggiore with all the gondolas pointing towards the tower.”

Graham Coldrick added that ”to win a trophy is difficult but to maintain a high enough standard to win it two years running shows the quality of the work of our members”.

The Society meets at the Wyllyotts Centre, Darkes Lane, Potters Bar, most Mondays from September to early July starting at 7.45pm. 

It is happy to welcome new members whatever camera equipment they use or wherever they are on their photography journey.

Further information can be found at or on Facebook.



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