Welwyn Hatfield Conservatives have hit back at claims from the Liberal Democrats that they have been forced to make a Local Plan U-turn, as the long-running saga continues.

An emergency meeting has been called for Thursday, December 15, in an effort to push the Local Plan towards its final stages after lengthy delays.

Green Belt development and three sites in Brookmans Park and Cuffley have caused plenty of problems, with Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council’s Conservative majority keen to have these sites removed.

But now it seems they will be included and an amendment proposed, something the Liberal Democrats suggested back in July.

“At the Full Council meeting in July, the Lib Dems proposed an amendment to the Conservative Local Plan to re-include three sites in Brookmans Park and Cuffley which the Conservatives had removed from the process a few years ago and without which the Inspector could not legally pass the plan,” said councillor Jane Quinton.

“The Conservatives heaped scorn on the Lib Dem proposal at the time. Now it seems a dose of reality has set in and they want to agree with that amendment after all.”

“The whole situation is entirely of the Conservatives own making,” added councillor Paul Zukowskyj.

“This Conservative plan has been twisted to fit that flawed system and therefore fails to deliver the desperately needed infrastructure and benefits for local residents.”

The Conservatives have hit back, with a spokesman telling the Welwyn Hatfield Times: “There is no U-Turn or change in tack from the Conservatives.

“It is simply that the council is being compelled to consider consulting on a Local Plan which includes three sites the Independent Planning Inspector insists the council includes, against our wishes.

“Our position as a Conservative administration has not changed. We want a Local Plan that protects the Green Belt, includes the right infrastructure, preserves our heritage, but also recognises the very real need for new homes.

“These council meetings have been convened to decide whether or not to consult local residents on the theoretical viability of a plan which includes those additional sites. No decision has yet been made.

“The Liberal Democrat group tried to get these three additional Green Belt sites added to our plan months ago, no doubt for their own mischievous political reasons. So much for their claims to be the party trying to protect the Green Belt.”