Pipes, cannabis grinders and Nitrous Oxide cannisters have been handed over by a Potters Bar shop as officers look to tackle anti-social behaviour in the town.

On Wednesday, October 26, officers from the Potters Bar and Shenley Safer Neighbourhood Team visited a shop in Darkes Lane, alongside Hertfordshire Trading Standards, during which several items of drugs paraphernalia were surrendered.

Officers found glass, cannabis grinders and pipes and baggies under the counter, as well as ‘legal highs’ on the counter.

Tackling the selling of alcohol and Nitrous Oxide cannisters to children in the town has been a priority for the SNT over the last three months, as they believe it has contributed to the rise in anti-social behaviour.

“While these items are not illegal to sell, we know that they are used by the customer, most often young people, to use or sell drugs,” said PC Ashleigh Begg.

“We asked the owners of the store to voluntarily surrender them to police for destruction and they agreed.

“This is just one way we are working to tackle the issue.

“Over the last three months we have been working with all small convenience stores in the area to ensure they are complying with the law, understand the consequences and are being responsible businesses.

“They have been asked to sign up to a voluntary Code of Conduct regarding the sale of Nitrous Oxide.

“Test purchase operations have also been conducted, and warnings and repeat visits have been carried out where they have been found selling alcohol and canisters to children.

“We’ve also been conducting additional high visibility patrols on foot and on bike to act as a deterrent to the ASB and we hope that locals will see a difference in the area as a result of this action.”

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South Mimms - bit.ly/police-smimms

Potters Bar - bit.ly/police-pb

Shenley - bit.ly/police-shenley