Battle lines are taking shape over a major solar energy plant proposed on an arable field near Knebworth, which would be visible for miles around.

People who live near Swangleys Farm, about a mile east of the village, are determined to stop the 10.5 megawatt “solar park”, which would generate enough electricity for 3,200 homes.

Nick King, of Bragbury Lane, which borders the 20-hectare field, told the Welwyn Hatfield Times: “You can see for miles – Mardley Hill, Knebworth, Woolmer Green, and lots of Stevenage.

“All those people will be able to see it if it goes ahead.”

Would-be developer Solstice Renewables, which will submit a planning application this month, says the solar panels will help fight climate change.

It said the site would be screened with a three-metre hedge.