A man has been sentenced to prison for repeatedly kicking a dog in Potters Bar

Chris Andrews, 24, was sentenced on Monday, April 11 at Hatfield Remand Court for an offence of animal cruelty and a public order offence which took place in Potters Bar.

Police had been called to a fitness centre on Mount Grace Road at around 4pm on Saturday, April 9, to reports a man had verbally threatened a member of staff.

He then left and walked to the High Street, where he approached a woman and kicked her 14-year-old Yorkshire terrier several times.

The dog suffered serious bruising which required treatment.

Andrews was arrested at his home in Beechwood Avenue later that day, and was charged with cruelty to an animal and a section 4 public order offence.

He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 12 weeks in prison, six weeks for each charge, and ordered to pay compensation to the dog owner and the member of staff.

PC Paul Francis said: “These were unprovoked incidents affecting not only the victims but others who witnessed what happened.

In the case of the offence against the dog this was totally senseless and understandably distressing for her owner.”