Five months ago, a Hatfield mum of one was being rushed to Lister Hospital in Stevenage for life saving surgery.

Welwyn Hatfield Times: Lorraine Tate is braving the shave for Dementia UK, Crohn’s and Colitis UK, Cancer Research UK and Essex & Herts Air Ambulance. Picture: SuppliedLorraine Tate is braving the shave for Dementia UK, Crohn’s and Colitis UK, Cancer Research UK and Essex & Herts Air Ambulance. Picture: Supplied (Image: Archant)

Lorraine Tate’s journey started back in July 2019 when was diagnosed with six tumours on her liver, which were believed to be related to the contraceptive pill.

The 41-year-old said: “I was told to stop taking the pill immediately and the tumours would be monitored. During a period of time they had not shrunk so a hysterectomy was planned for July 27 this year, however, my body had other plans.

“I took poorly on July 17 when a diagnosis from way back in 2005 of ulcerative colitis decided to rear its ugly head. The last flare up I had had was back in 2013. A dose of steroids did the trick and I had been absolutely fine.”

But this time it was “different”, her body did not respond to any of the steroids, infusions or new drugs.

Welwyn Hatfield Times: Lorraine Tate is braving the shave for Dementia UK, Crohn’s and Colitis UK, Cancer Research UK and Essex & Herts Air Ambulance. Picture: SuppliedLorraine Tate is braving the shave for Dementia UK, Crohn’s and Colitis UK, Cancer Research UK and Essex & Herts Air Ambulance. Picture: Supplied (Image: Archant)

“Nothing was working,” she said. “I was so poorly it got to the point where I needed not only lifesaving but life changing surgery.

“I underwent surgery on August 13 and was wheeled to theatre just as a big ol’ thunderstorm taking place.

“I was prepped and ready for a hysterectomy to stop my own hormones feeding the tumours and a total colectomy.

“They removed my rotting colon and I became the very proud owner of my very own bag for life.

“I now wear an ileostomy bag, To which might I add I’ve adapted to pretty quick.”

After watching lots of Netflix, speaking to her 12-year-old daughter Lexie and family, Lorraine was back at home after six weeks of being with the “lovely” staff at Lister.

“All these weeks later my legs are still weak and come the evening I’m absolutely knackered. I sometimes have to remind myself what I went through and I’m not doing too bad in the grand scheme of things.

“My hair also started falling out by the handful, it was long so initially had it cut to a bob however its become very thin, so I thought to myself there’s no point having hair on my head that doesn’t look nice.”

And so Lorraine is raising money for Dementia UK, Crohn’s and Colitis UK, Cancer research UK and Essex & Herts Air Ambulance by braving the shave on December 21.

To donate go here